If I can make sure you learn anything from my travel experiences, it’s to have a well-packed toiletry bag. When I used to be a sales rep and traveled every other week, I perfected my toiletry bag. It allowed me to be able to just grab it, toss it in my suitcase, and never had to question what was in it. If you don’t travel that much, that may not be smart since things do expire. But, you can definitely reference this list and make sure you’re properly stocked and prepared for anything and everything while traveling.

A toiletry bag should not only be stocked with the everyday items that you need to get ready in the morning and night-time routine. But it should also be a great resource for any sort of emergency that may come about while traveling. You can use this ultimate toiletry guide as a great packing list when filling up your toiletry bag with all of the things.

The Necessities: 

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hair brush and/or comb
  • Shampoo and/or conditioner
  • Soap or body wash
  • Razor
  • Deodorant
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray (only if traveling in jungles, forests, or anywhere bugs might be or malaria may be present)
  • Moisturizer and/or aloe (travel can dry your skin right out)

For Your Purse: 

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toilet paper or Kleenex (especially in countries that aren’t known to have this in their restrooms)
  • Eye drops (for those long haul flights)
  • Face wipes (whether you’re sweaty, dirty or traveling for hours it’s always nice to wipe off the scum from your face)
  • Band-aids
  • Lip balm


  • Advil
  • Gravol (drowsy and non-drowsy)
  • Immodium and/or Pepto-Bismol
  • Antibiotics (your travel or family doctor can prescribe this for you just in case)
  • Prescribed medications (birth control, migraine medication and anything you can’t live without)

For Some of You: 

  • Eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, contact lens solution and case if applicable)
  • Makeup (remember you don’t need all your makeup, only the necessities)
  • Hair styling products (try to skip the hair straightener and curling iron if you can)
  • Face wash and moisturizer (for some people face wipes and soap is enough)
  • Feminine hygiene products
Written by Long Bui

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